保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定空调移机 保定太阳能维修 保定厨房排烟 雄安管道通风 通,对风管要求不太高的场所使用。
Stainless steel air duct has the best quality, strong applicability, but
high price. At present, the spiral air duct widely used in ventilation
and exhaust engineering is made of galvanized sheet. That is, galvanized
spiral air duct, although it is not as good as the characteristics of
stainless steel spiral air duct, but its price is only two-thirds or
even lower than that of stainless steel air duct. The composite spiral
air duct is generally used in the places where the external environment
is relatively common and the air duct requirements are not too high